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Have you been diagnosed with a cataract

Date:2021-09-17 Browse:699

Your ophthalmologist has diagnosed you with a cataract. This means your eye‘s natural lens has become cloudy, reducing the quality of your vision to a point where you may notice that you are not seeing as clearly as you used to. Cataracts are part of the natural aging process of the eye and are very common. You are therefore not alone with this diagnosis.


The first signs of this change include blurred vision, sensitivity to bright lights and feeling like you are looking through a frosted window. Colours lose their intensity, contrast is reduced and there is a decline in the ability to read the charts that eye doctors use to measure visual acuity.

As a result, your quality of life may be reduced as everyday tasks become more difficult for you. When driving at night, you may have noticed an increased sensitivity to bright lights.


The solution is simple!


Surgery is the only option for removing the cataract and ensuring clear vision in the long term.

There's no need to have any worries about the surgical procedure. This operation is one of the most frequent routine surgical procedures in the world.

Wouldn't you like to regain the highest possible quality of life? Having clear vision that enables you to go about your normal life as you would like to? Surely everyone wants that.


Speak to your ophthalmologist and their team to receive individual advice on the best lens solution for you when you have your cataract removed.